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conceptual mapping >  democracy and governance  > Global civil society 2006/7

Global civil society 2006/7

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> by Mary Kaldor, Helmut Anheier and Marlies Glasius, Sage publications, Londres, octobre 2006, 400 p., £24.99

Suicide bombings, collateral damage, kidnappings and air strikes pepper the lexicon of twenty-first century politics. Global Civil Society 2006/7 explores the complex relationship between violence, civil society and legitimacy in a unique dialogue that crosses political, cultural and religious boundaries. Is the use of violence by non-state actors ever justified ? How is violence transmitted from the private to the public sphere ? Why is terror and « the war on terror » catalysing rather than suppressing violence ? Do Western and Islamic traditions of thought offer any solutions ? This edition of the Yearbook also includes new research on economic and social rights, the politics of water and football.

« Even though current public interest and engagement in issues of global violence are the results of terribly tragic and disturbing events, it is good that these matters are receiving widespread attention. I argue for a wider use of our voice in the working of global civil society - to be distinguished from military initiatives and strategic activities of governments. The Global Civil Society Yearbook can make a substantial contribution to the expression of public voice without border » Amartya Sen

  • To get further informations, you can visit the website of the Centre for the Study of Global Governance :

date of on-line publication : 21 November 2006

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