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bibliotheque > directory > PENGON (Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network)

PENGON (Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network)

The Palestinian Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PENGON) is a coordinating body between the different Palestinian NGOs working in the field of environment. It aims to serve Palestinian environmental issues by coordinating endeavors between the member organizations, strengthening and building the efficiency within each organization, and enhancing relations within the Network as well as with other organizations domestically and abroad, such as local government agencies and international environmental organizations.

The idea of establishing a network of Palestinian environmental organizations began in 1998, when a number of the NGOs felt the urgent need to coordinate their efforts. These organizations faced a Palestinian environment in grave danger due to violent Israeli occupation practices on the ground, including the confiscation of land, illegal settlement activities, the uprooting of trees, the destruction of Palestinian agricultural land, the use of Palestinian occupied lands by Israel as dumping ground for poisonous industrial waste, and the exhausting of water resources and the polluting of the water ground reservoirs by settlements. These concerns have intensified dramatically since the recent Intifada.

To cope with this desperate situation, and to coordinate the scattered efforts of the different Palestinian NGOs in the field of the environment, a number of active Palestinian NGOs held several meetings in April and May of 2001. The meetings culminated in the announcement of the Network and the election of a Coordinating Committee to combine these efforts those organizations.

Address : PO Box 25220
Beit Hanina, Jerusalem
Phone : +972-2-2971505
Fax : +972-2-2975123
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