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conceptual mapping >  democracy and governance  > BURUNDI: VP’s resignation eases political deadlock

Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN)

BURUNDI: VP’s resignation eases political deadlock

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The resignation of First Deputy President Martin Nduwimana should help break a crippling political impasse and expedite peace talks in Burundi, according to an opposition leader.

Nduwimana resigned on 7 November, saying he wanted to give the country’s institutions a chance to resume work.

“I handed my resignation to the head of state who accepted it,” Nduwimana said. “I don’t want to be an obstacle to peace.”

Burundi is struggling to recover from the devastation of a civil war that broke out in 1993 and raged for 13 years, pitting rebels from the Hutu majority against a long-dominant Tutsi minority. Read more

date of on-line publication : 16 November 2007

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