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latest news > news in brief > First Victory of BDS Campaign against Israel in Japan

Alternative Information Center (AIC)

First Victory of BDS Campaign against Israel in Japan

22 December 2010

On 1st December, the MUJI officially announced on their website cancellation of its plan to open a store in Israel. Since the 12 April 2010 release of the MUJI plan to open a store in Israel, and in order to respond to the BDS Campaign against Israel called upon by Palestinians to the people in the world, we, Palestine Forum along with other civil organizations and individuals, had appealed to the MUJI to cancel the plan. For over seven months, various nationwide actions such as appeal actions in front of some of the MUJI branches, constant appeal through websites or Twitter and sending message cards to the MUJI, had been addressed as the Stop MUJI Campaign. Additionally, an appeal action in front of the MUJIbranch in Seoul, South Korea, was organised. Since the campaign was gradually growing into an international movement, the MUJI management finally had to cancel the plan. Read

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