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autores > Fatal transactions

Fatal transactions

Fatal Transactions is a European network of NGOs and research institutes who believe that Africa’s natural richness can be a motor behind development and stability instead of a source of conflict and sustained poverty. Fatal Transactions members are BICC – Bonn International Center for Conversion (Germany), Broederlijk Delen (Belgium), Group Chad (Germany), IKV Pax Christi Netherlands (The Netherlands), IPIS (Belgium), Medico International (Germany), Niza/ActionAid (The Netherlands), OCIPE (Belgium), and OxfamNovib (The Netherlands).

Fatal Transactions criticizes: European strategy to secure access to raw materials will harm Africa

Press Release, 26 January 2011 Today, the European Commission was to publish a new Communication entitled The Raw Materials Initiative – Putting the Strategy into Practice addressing challenges of future access to minerals and raw materials for its industry. The publication of the communication was surprisingly held back due to still ongoing negotiations among EU member states. The international campaign Fatal Transactions appeals to the European Commission to develop a strategy that will (...) read

date of on-line publication : 4 February 2011

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