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Country index  >  Brazil  > article

Suspension of Belo Monte Called For by Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), part of the Organization of American States (OAS), has officially requested the Brazilian Government to immediately suspend the Belo Monte Dam Complex in the Amazonian state of Pará, pending proper consultations with potentially affected indigenous peoples living in the Xingu river basin. Belo Monte would negatively impact indigenous peoples and other traditional communities in the Xingu River basin, particularly those living along a (...) read

date of on-line publication : 18 April 2011


The routes and possibilities of a South - South subversive globalization: Africa and Brazil

> Pambazuka News

Jacques Depelchin reflects on the growing economic, political and cultural relationship between Brazil and the Africa and urges for a solidarity from below that is cognizant of black revolutionary history. Almost everyone knows about Brazilian football, especially Pelé; but, it is a fair bet that a very tiny percentage of the same people will know about one of the foremost intellectuals of Brazil in the 20th century: Milton Santos (MS), winner in 1994 of the Vautrin Lud prize given to the (...) read

date of on-line publication : 19 December 2007

Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN)

First group of Palestinians arrive in Brazil from desert camp

The first batch of Palestinians previously living in a squalid refugee camp on the Iraqi-Jordanian border arrived in Brazil on 21 and 22 September and has been receiving medical assistance, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Justice. The 35 Palestinians are part of a group of 117 Palestinian refugees who had been living in Ruwaished refugee camp in the desert on the Iraqi-Jordanian border since the fall of late former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in 2003. “Brazilians have welcomed (...) read

date of on-line publication : 24 September 2007

Third World Network

Action not talk needed on bio-piracy, says Brazil

More concrete action and less repetitive talk is needed on preventing bio-piracy in the World Intellectual Property Organisation, according to the Brazilian delegation, speaking at a meeting here of WIPO’s inter-governmental committee (IGC) on intellectual property, genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore. Brazil, represented by Mr. Guilherme Patriota, gave a critical assessment of the IGC discussions and said that some countries were continuing to make repetitive statements (...) read

date of on-line publication : 26 July 2007

FOEK Anton

Shot Down: Lobby Kills Brazil Gun Ban

> CorpWatch, October 25th, 2005 (...)

Every 15 minutes, someone in Brazil dies from a gunshot wound, according to the United Nations. Yet the world’s first ever referendum on banning civilian guns in this country failed to pass this past Sunday.
"Instead the proposed ban went down to a resounding defeat with almost two thirds of the population voting no to the question: "Should the sale of all types of guns and ammunition be banned nationwide for everyone except the police and the military?" Earlier this year, support for the ban had been running as high as 80 percent, but in recent weeks, the pro-gun lobby — arms makers and various activist groups — played on fears about the crime rate and the public swung dramatically against the proposal. The vote also represented the public’s lack of confidence in security forces — mired in corruption and inefficiency — to protect the populace. According to the BBC, middle class men were most likely to oppose the ban, while women and the poor favored it(...)"
The article goes into details about the impact gun manufacturers such as Taurus have had on the country, how guns have been made fashionable, as well as the relation between small firearms and organised crime, the influence of the NRA and how guns enter the country.  read

date of on-line publication : 2 November 2005

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