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key words index  >  right to food  > dossier

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Gender and desertification : expanding roles for women to restore drylands

The livelihoods of over 1.2 billion people inhabiting dryland areas in 110 countries are currently threatened by drought and desertification. Over the past 23 years, IFAD has committed over US$3.5 billion to support dryland development and combat land degradation in developing countries. Of IFAD-supported projects, 70% assist pastoralists and small farmers in ecologically fragile, marginal environments such as rangelands and rainfed croplands through small-scale irrigation, agroforestry, (...) read

date of on-line publication : 14 February 2007


Rice industry in crisis

> Greenpeace Report, january 2007

Major rice markets close doors to genetically engineered rice after contamination of the global food supply chain. In 2006 a series of scandals erupted as world rice supplies were discovered to be contaminated with unapproved genetically engineered (GE) rice varieties. Field trials of GE rice in the US and the illegal sale of rice seed in China led to unapproved GE rice entering global food supply chains. Contaminated food stocks were found and pulled from shelves in European stores. (...) read

date of on-line publication : 12 February 2007


The right to food

> Part of a series of the Human Rights Programme of the CETIM, 53 p., 2005.

The right to food is a universal human right, recognized at the national, regional and international level.Currently, however, some 852 million persons throughout the world are seriously, and permanently, undernourished, 815 million of whom are in developing countries, 28 million in countries in transition and 9 million in developed countries.
The causes of undernourishment and of death from hunger and malnutrition are immensely complex, and they cannot be simply attributed to war or natural catastrophes. They are primarily due to social injustice, to political and economic exclusion and to discrimination. The means of demanding one’s right to food and the chances of obtaining redress highly depend on the information and enforcement mechanisms available at the national, regional and international level.
With this in mind, this brochure can be said to have a double purpose :

  • to contribute to a clarification of the available information about the right to food
  • to set out the monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, on the national, regional and international level, to which victims can have recourse when their right to food is violated.

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date of on-line publication : 3 November 2006

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