international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

Le portail rinoceros d’informations sur les initiatives citoyennes pour la construction d’un autre monde a été intégré au nouveau site Ritimo pour une recherche simplifiée et élargie.

Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net)

Farmers ’jury’ voices agricultural research concerns

Agricultural researchers should spend more time improving local seeds and less time developing hybrids from "outside", farmers in West Africa have said. And research should broaden from narrow concerns such as improving a single crop to wider studies that take into account the environment in which farmers operate, they said. The 50 farmers and fishermen were delivering their verdict on the future of food and agricultural research during one of two citizens’ juries — decision-making tools (...) read

date of on-line publication : 5 February 2010

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Jury of Indian farmers to pass judgement on agricultural science

A ’citizens jury’ of marginalised farmers in southern India will this week give their verdict on the future of research on food and agriculture. From 1-5 December, the jury will hear the testimony of special witnesses from government departments, agricultural universities, and farmers and consumers organisations. The jury will then make recommendations about how to make agricultural science better at serving the needs of the poor and marginalised majority. Read (...) read

date of on-line publication : 17 December 2009

Technology transfer for the poor (...)

Developing countries must adopt effective policies on technology transfer that meet the needs of all social classes, including the poorest.
There is a common misconception that the single most important factor in science and development is the need for adequate funding for relevant research. This type of thinking - sometimes described as the « science push » model of development - tends to focus on the proportion of a country’s gross national product spent on research and development.
But spending on research is part of a broader picture. An arguably larger role is played by government policies affecting the practical application of scientific knowledge. This usually involves embedding such knowledge in technological products and processes, what is widely described as « technology transfer ».  read

date of on-line publication : 30 January 2007


Soldiers in the laboratory: Military involvement in science and technology - and some alternatives

> SGR, January 2005, 84pp (pdf) (...)

This report documents the power and influence of the military in the governance and direction of science, engineering and technology in the UK over the past twenty years, particularly with regards to research and development (R&D). It examines whether some reallocation of the resources that the military currently devotes to weapons-related Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) would contribute better to the goals of peace, social justice and environmental sustainability. Finally, it considers the argument that the concept of security can be more broadly defined, so as to include measures to forestall many of the pressing challenges facing the world today, such as climate change and a range of poverty-related issues.


date of on-line publication : 13 January 2006

KJELL, Petra, SIMMS Andrew, WOODWARD, David

Mirage and Oasis: Energy choices in an age of global warming

> New Economic Foundation, June 2005, 56pp. (...)

Nuclear power has been promoted in the UK and globally as the answer to climate change and energy insecurity. Yet, this report argues, as a response to global warming, nuclear power is too slow, too expensive, too limited, and, in an age of terrorist threats, a security risk. As an alternative, this report calls for a combination of renewable energy sources to be used, combining the full range of technologies (micro-, small-, medium- and large-scale). Although the report focuses largely on the situation in the UK it also highlights the potential of “micro-renewables” more generally.  read

date of on-line publication : 6 January 2006

SHARMA Sudhirendar

Little space for grassroots innovations

> 3 May 2005, India Together (...)

This article reflects on the role technology can play to lift people out of poverty and how the media should reflect this. Taking the example of India’s demographic situation, the author questions why we should believe that one model fits all. Lack of funding for appropriate technology programmes - which could be simple in design but ultimately carrying a tangible positive impact on communities (e.g. those using renewable energy) contrasts with the investment in purely market-driven ‘hi-tech’ programmes. Conversely, the article continues, new patent laws will allow companies to pool the informal knowledge that exists.  read

date of on-line publication : 18 November 2005

SHARMA Devinder

The politics of farm technologies

> 9 October 2005, India Together (...)

Here the article questions the effectiveness of alternatives to traditional farming methods, in particular with regards to seed quality certification. The author debates the impact of favouring big industries commercial interests’ and calls for caution when pushing cost-intensive technologies on farmers.  read

date of on-line publication : 17 November 2005

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