international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

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Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

key words index  >  IMF  > article


DRC: a demonstration of plunder and submission

> by Damien Millet and Eric Toussaint

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a textbook case for those who wish to understand complex notions like the pillage of a country’s wealth, the intolerable loss of a State’s sovereignty, or the concept of odious debt. The manner in which the budget of 2007 was prepared and the orientations of the government led by Antoine Gizenga provide clear confirmation of what the Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt and many other social movements have been asserting for a number of (...) read

date of on-line publication : 26 July 2007


Whatever is the IMF to do about the US?


> The US’ staggering trade deficit and continued borrowing threaten to undermine the relevance of the IMF (...)

The IMF’s meeting this spring was lauded as a breakthrough, with officials given a new mandate for "surveillance" of the trade imbalances that contribute significantly to global instability. The new mission is crucially important, both for the health of the global economy and the IMF’s own legitimacy. But is the fund up to the job? There is obviously something peculiar about a global financial system in which the richest country in the world, the US, borrows more than US$2 billion a day from poorer countries — even as it lectures them on principles of good governance and fiscal responsibility. So the stakes for the IMF, which is charged with ensuring global financial stability, are high: If other countries eventually lose confidence in an increasingly indebted US, the potential disturbances in the world’s financial markets would be massive.  read

date of on-line publication : 20 June 2006


Reality Bites: A rebuttal of the IMF’s "Common criticisms: some responses"

> Halifax Institute, Sep 2003 (...)

In 2003, in an effort to combat mounting criticism of its practices, the IMF released a paper entitled Common criticisms: some responses. “Reality Bites” is the counter attack, offering a rebuttal to each of the Fund’s claims in the paper.  read

date of on-line publication : 9 December 2005


IMF Adds a New Tool to its Bag of Tricks

> 50 Years is Enough, Sep 2005 (...)

The G8 meetings in 2005 brought the possibility of multilateral debt cancellation for 18 of the most heavily indebted nations without conditions attached, meaning release from the IMF’s grasp. This article describes how the new Policy Support Instrument (PSI) plans to extend the IMF’s control over national economic policies in these counties, despite no longer being officially indebted to the bank.


date of on-line publication : 9 December 2005

ActionAid International

Changing course: alternative approaches to achieve the MDG and fight HIV/ AIDS

> ActionAid International, Sep 2005, 64 pages (...)

This report outlines the current IMF-led consensus on economic policies for developing countries; it then goes on to examine how these macro-economic based policies are failing and why tackling these issues proves so problematic for both the countries they affect and Civil Society Organisations. Finally it presents a number of practical alternatives to current practices.  read

date of on-line publication : 14 November 2005

AFRODAD, CIDSE, Eurodad, Initiative d’Halifax, Jubilee USA

Sell IMF gold to cancel the debt: decision time is now

> Report, April 2005, 9 pp., PDF (...)

Debt owed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and other multilateral institutions has grown rapidly in recent years and these institutions are now the major creditors of the world’s poorest countries. Because there are serious consequences for countries which default on payments to these bodies, multilateral debt can be extremely onerous for countries struggling to provide for even the most basic social and development needs of their citizens.  read

date of on-line publication : 13 October 2005

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