international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

Le portail rinoceros d’informations sur les initiatives citoyennes pour la construction d’un autre monde a été intégré au nouveau site Ritimo pour une recherche simplifiée et élargie.

Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

key words index  >  fair trade  > actors

European Fair Trade Association (EFTA)

EFTA was established in 1990. It is a network of 11 Fair Trade organisations in nine European countries which import Fair Trade products from some 400 economically disadvantaged producer groups in Africa, Asia and Latin America. EFTA’s members are based in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Address : Kerkewegje 1, NL- 6305 BC Schin op Geul - THE NETHERLANDS
Phone: (+31) 43 3256917
Fax: (+31) 43 3258433
Email: efta AT

No Sweat

No Sweat is an activist campaign organisation. The group seeks to help unionise sweatshops in Britain as well as publicise, expose and help stamp out sweatshop employment throughout the world. No Sweat organises campaigns through local groups, conferences and develops actions of solidarity sweatshop workers and their organisations. Their website holds briefings on the situation of certain companies.

Address: No Sweat, PO Box 36707, London SW9 8YA - UK
Phone: 07904 431 959
Email: admin AT

Trade Justice Movement

The Trade Justice Movement is a group of organisations including trade unions, aid agencies, environment and human rights campaigns, fairtrade organisations, faith and consumer groups. The movement is supported by more than 70 member organisations that have over 9 million members. Together, they are campaigning for trade justice - not free trade - with the rules weighted to benefit poor people and the environment.

Phone. : 020 7404 0530
Email :
Website :

World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)

WFTO is a global network of over 350 fair trade organizations. WFTO’s mission is to improve the livelihoods and well being of disadvantaged producers by linking and promoting fair trade organizations, and speaking out for greater justice in world trade. Its work is centered around market development, monitoring and advocacy.

Address : Prijssestraat 24, 4101CR, Culemborg - THE NETHERLANDS

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