international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

Le portail rinoceros d’informations sur les initiatives citoyennes pour la construction d’un autre monde a été intégré au nouveau site Ritimo pour une recherche simplifiée et élargie.

Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

key words index  >  international trade  > recommended sites

International Gender and Trade Network

IGTN is a network of feminist gender specialists who provide technical information on gender and trade issues to women’s groups, NGOs, social movements and governments. IGTN acts as a political catalyst to enlarge the space for a critical feminist perspective and global action on trade and globalization issues. It is a Southern-led network that builds South/North cooperation in the work of developing more just and democratic policy from a critical feminist perspective.
The IGTN’s economic literacy work is situated within a broad political and educational framework. It is made available trough its website.

A joint project by activists and organisations to share information and analyse the progress and effects of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and bilateral agreements (known simply as “bilaterals”). These agreements often attract less attention than World Trade Organisation negotiations, yet can often be even more consequential.
The site contains news and analyse relating to a huge range of trade negotiations in progress between States and/or supra-nation groups; information on the situation of deals and agreements; and sections devoted to the key issues surrounding these trade moves, such as labour, corporate interests, agriculture. Articles are also available in French and Spanish.

Make Trade Fair

Make Trade Fair is a global movement calling for an end to unfair trade rules. It is organised by Oxfam International and its 12 affiliates and is part of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty. It calls on governments, institutions, and multinational companies to change the rules so that trade can become part of the solution to poverty, not part of the problem. Make Trade Fair brings together The Big Noise (a global petition to Make Trade Fair) amongst other campaigns, such as the Vote for Trade Justice campaign, Tescopoly campaign and many other campaigning tools and ideas.
Through the website, those interested in getting involved can send emails as part of campaigns or search the campaigning toolkit for more active ways to participate. The website has details of events and the latest news reports, indepth sections explaining the various issues (such as dumping, labour rights, access to medicine and the effects of cash crops) as well as a research area with reports produced by Oxfam.

Focus on the Global South

Focus on the Global South is a program of development policy research, analysis and action. Focus engages in research, analysis, advocacy and grassroots capacity building on critical issues, such as trade, security, peace building and financing development. It was founded in 1995 and is currently attached to the Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute (CUSRI) in Bangkok, Thailand.
The website has a monthly online magazine as well as details of campaigns, programmes and resources. Certain articles are available in French, Portuguese and Spanish and Bahasa Indonesian.

Seattle to Brussels Network

S2B was formed in 1999 and is a pan-European network which campaigns to promote a sustainable, socially and democratically accountable system of trade. The network is involved in coordinating events such as The General Council of People at Geneva in October 2005.
The website has details of active groups in most European countries along with a ‘Trade Calendar’, which shows important dates in the world of commerce, regular updates on the negotiations within the World Trade Organisation and information pages on key issues such as Industrial Goods and Natural Resources.


EconPapers provides access to RePEc, the world’s largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software (345,288 searchable working papers, articles and software items with 246,246 items available on-line).

Global Trade Watch

Global Trade Watch (GTW) is coordinated by Public Citizen. It promotes democracy by challenging corporate globalization, arguing that the current globalization model is neither a random inevitability nor “free trade.” Their work seeks to make the measurable outcomes of this model accessible to the public, press, and policy-makers, while emphasizing that if the results are not acceptable, then the model can and must be changed or replaced. GTW works on an array of globalization issues, including health and safety, environmental protection, economic justice, and democratic, accountable governance.
Their website provides different kind of information regarding WTO, NAFTA, offshoring and other globalization issues.

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