international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

Le portail rinoceros d’informations sur les initiatives citoyennes pour la construction d’un autre monde a été intégré au nouveau site Ritimo pour une recherche simplifiée et élargie.

Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

key words index  >  poverty  > recommended sites


Made up by IDS (Institute of Development Studies, Sussex), this gateway to development information proposes more than 18,000 online documents, 4,500 organisations, 30 subject-focused guides, 25 email bulletins, country profiles, events, and jobs regarding development. It supports the documentation, exchange and use of evidence-based development knowledge, and aims at reaching audiences of researchers, development practitioners and policy formers at national and international levels.

New Internationalist

New Internationalist Publications is a communications co-operative. It exists to report on issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless in both rich and poor nations; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary if the basic material and spiritual needs of all are to be met.
Its website proposes news related to globalization, global justice, environment, development and human rights; book, video and music reviews; country profiles and teaching resources and links to assist people who are learning about global issues.

Social Watch

Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens’ network on poverty eradication and gender equality. It coordinates the reporting by national citizens’ groups on the current social progress in that country with the aim of following up the fulfilment of internationally agreed commitments. In addition to its Annual Report, Social Watch produces reports based on the commitments enshrined in the World Summit for Social Development and the critical areas of concern of the Bejing Platform for Action.
In addition to the group’s Annual Report (supported by world trend statistics, presented in a number of forms), the website holds annual reports on some 60 individual country’s social progress and setbacks, produced with the help of Citizen’s Groups in the country. Reports and publications can also be searched by “commitment”. Website also available in Spanish.

Southern African Regional Poverty Network

The Southern African Regional Poverty Network is a non-profit organisation that promotes debate and knowledge sharing on poverty reduction processes and experiences in Southern Africa (SADC). SARPN works through widening participation, by bringing people together across the region to exchange ideas, and disseminating information to deepen understandings of poverty issues and improve policy and practice. SARPN was originally established as a project of the Human Sciences Research Council in 2001. In 2004 it became an independent regional entity, supported by a board of 20 regional policy makers, academics and civil society members. The organization is run through a secretariat based on Pretoria and drawn from the SADC region.
The website has a country analysis section, a regional themes covering topics such as health, governance and migration, a poverty indicators section as well as sections on the MDG and food security.


AfricaFiles was launched in 2002 and is a network of volunteers committed to the promotion of human rights, economic justice, African perspectives and alternative analyses. The group produces the online mazine At Issue Ezine, which aims to publish well-researched, provocative and insightful original articles on important current themes in sub-Saharan Africa, such as AIDS, ecology, economic justice, etc.
AfricaFiles offers an email news service sourced from writers based in Africa and the site holds an archive of articles which can be searched by topic or region as well as an extensive links page.

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