international library for a responsable world of solidarity ritimo

Le portail rinoceros d’informations sur les initiatives citoyennes pour la construction d’un autre monde a été intégré au nouveau site Ritimo pour une recherche simplifiée et élargie.

Ce site ( constitue une archive des articles publiés avant 2008 qui n'ont pas été transférés.

Le projet rinoceros n’a pas disparu, il continue de vivre pour valoriser les points de vue des acteurs associatifs dans le monde dans le site Ritimo.

about >  how to use rinoceros

how to use rinoceros

  • What is the origin of rinoceros ?

Launched in March 2002 by Ritimo (network of information centres for development and international solidarity), at an international meeting of documentary centres, the rinoceros project aims to create a space for international information for responsible and sustainable development.

  • How to use rinoceros

rinoceros selects texts and documents that are already available on-line. The selection covers texts written by actors from both the North and the South.

The selection is made by an editorial committee and is varied in nature : news briefs or current affairs, articles, field experience, files, presentation of books or other works, directories, citizens’ campaigns, calendars of international events. There is access to the Ritimo bibliographical data base, as well as to the dph base of experimental projects.

Information is organised around 9 themes: globalisation and international relations, democracy and governance, cultivating peace, fundamental rights and society, the environment and sustainable development, culture and identity, information and communication, economy, production and consumption, citizen’s access to science and technologies.

All information is indexed by geographical and/or thematic key words.

This enables people to search for various themes, using the interactive mapping process and to visualise the results in all three languages. In order to optimise the international dimension, the site proposes a selection of texts in English, French and Spanish. There is no translation of information, and texts are available in their original language.

Two search methods are available on the site: a search engine makes it possible to select words contained within a body of text as well as by date, author, thematic key words and geographical localisation. The current affairs page allows people to view the most recently uploaded information.

© rinoceros - Ritimo in partnership with the Fph via the project dph and the Ile de France region via the project Picri. Site developed using SPIP, hosted by Globenet. Legal mentions - Contact
